Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe March 10 (UPI) -- Police and animal control officers responded to the border of two New Jersey towns to wrangle a cow that made a late night escape from a transport vehicle. Officers responded just before 3:20 a.m. Tuesday to the border of Carteret and Woodbridge when a loose cow was reported wandering the roads in the area. Advertisement Witness Antoine Webb captured video of the bovine and posted it to Facebook. Police said the cow escaped from a transport vehicle on its way to a slaughterhouse. They said it was believed to have been destined for the Carteret Abattoir slaughterhouse. Animal control officers and police captured the cow just after 4 a.m. It was unclear whether the cow was taken back to the slaughterhouse. Read More Man wins $1M lottery jackpot 7 months after splitting $4M prize Car gets caught in sudden deer stampede on Michigan road Cow sinking into muddy Australian riverbank hoisted to safety