
Tarantula stows away to Ireland with bunch of bananas

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Nov. 2 (UPI) -- Animal rescuers in Ireland said a shopper at a supermarket brought a bunch of bananas home and discovered an unusual stowaway -- a baby tarantula.

The Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals said the Mexican red rump tarantula was found in a wrapped bunch of bananas purchased from a grocery store in Donegal. The bananas had originated from Central America, the ISPCA said.


The tarantula was taken to the ISPCA's Donegal Animal Rehabilitation Center, where it was dubbed Parker by rescuers.

"A veterinary examination confirmed that Parker was very dehydrated and lethargic after his travels but after some water and mini crickets to eat, he began to perk up very quickly," ISPCA Center Manager Denise McCausland said.

McCausland said Parker will eventually be transferred to a new permanent home at Alcorn's Tropical World.

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