Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe Aug. 24 (UPI) -- A California man attempting to defend his home from a wildfire said he turned to an unusual source of help when his water was shut off: several cases of Bud Lite beer. Chad Little said he decided to stay behind when his family evacuated their Vacaville home last week as the LNU Lightning Complex Fires approached their neighborhood. Advertisement Little said he had hoses set up around the house to provide a consistent source of water to keep the flames away from the house, but he started worrying when the water to the area was shut off. The homeowner, whose house previously burned down five years ago in a fire sparked by an attic fan, said he grabbed one of his 30-packs of Bud Lite cans. "That was the only thing I had that I had a lot of, and it was wet," he told The Vacaville Reporter. "Luckily, I had a bunch of cases of Bud Light and I was able to get it out." Little pulled away some sheet metal from the wall of his workshop and used an exposed nail to pop holes in the cans. Advertisement "When I ripped up the sheet metal, it had a nail, so I was just shaking it up, popping it just and spraying them, popping it out and grabbing another one," Little told KCRA-TV. "My buddies all tease me about drinking water beer, and I say, 'Hey, saved my shop.'" He said firefighters eventually arrived in the neighborhood and helped keep the flames away from his home. Little said his carport burned to the ground, but his home was untouched by the flames. Read More Dog runs to get help for 88-year-old owner 4-year-old golfer hits hole-in-one in West Virginia Cow rescued after being carried away by river current