
Man on rafting trip rescues coyote pup from drowning

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July 14 (UPI) -- A man on a multiday rafting trip in Saskatchewan rescued a drowning coyote pup and brought the animal along for the last 10 days of his trip.

The Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Saskatchewan said a man identified as Justin was on a rafting trip down the Red Deer and South Saskatchewan rivers when he spotted the small coyote struggling to swim.


Justin reached out to pluck the coyote out of the water, but fell off his raft. He was able to grab the pup and his raft before it floated away.

The pup did not appear to be breathing when Justin got it out of the water, but he revived it by pushing on its stomach in a modified CPR technique.

The rescue group said the pup accompanied Justin on the next 10 days of his trip.

"The little pup would eat with Justin, cuddle in his jacket, and sleep in his backpack while they rafted down the river," the WRSOS said.

Justin eventually got a phone signal and called his wife, who helped him contact various animal rescue organizations. The Swift Current SPCA put Justin in touch with the WRSOS.


The pup, which Justin dubbed YipYip, will be cared for by a WRSOS rehab expert until it is old enough to be released back into the wild, the group said.

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