View this post on Instagram A post shared by RCFD (@redwoodcityfire) on Nov 24, 2019 at 12:38pm PST Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe Nov. 25 (UPI) -- A baby fur seal that wandered into a California parking deck caught a lift to the local fire station, where it settled in for a nap. The Redwood City Fire Department said the baby seal, dubbed Santos, was found by a resident Sunday in a paring deck in Redwood City. Advertisement Firefighters brought the small creature back to the fire station, where the creature settled in for a nap before being picked up by experts from The Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito. A spokesman for the center said it is unusual for northern fur seals to wander on land, as the species spends most of its time in the open ocean. The seal is now being cared for at the center and might eventually be released back into the wild, officials said. Read More Playful seal tries to steal British diver's mask Seal rehabbed after stranding in Long Island Man rescues seal from fishing line in Namibia