
Police warn of goose attacking Walmart shoppers

By Ben Hooper
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April 17 (UPI) -- Police in Indiana shared an unusual warning about a goose blamed for attacking at least two shoppers in a Walmart parking lot.

The Fishers Police Department said the goose attacked at least two people at the local Walmart store Tuesday morning without being provoked.


Police said the shoppers suffered minor injuries from their encounters.

"Geese can be territorial and aggressive. Please be aware of your surroundings and keep a safe distance from wild animals," police wrote, using the hashtag "#gooserage."

"In this particular incident, these people did nothing wrong," Sgt. Tom Weger told WISH-TV. "For some reason, the animal felt threatened and decided to attack these people."

"These animals are considered an endangered species," Weger said. "They are highly protected. You cannot harass them, engage them or assault them in any way, shape or form. If you're involved in an incident with one of these animals and they are injured, you're going to have to be able to explain exactly what happened."

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