Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe Feb. 12 (UPI) -- A Florida woman who heard a knock opened the front door of her home to discover an unexpected and unwelcome guest -- a huge alligator. The Merritt Island woman said she heard a knock at the door Tuesday and looked out to discover the 10-foot, 5-inch alligator blocking the doorway. Advertisement Neighbors attempted to wrestle the alligator, but found it to be too aggressive, so they called 911. A trapper was sent to the neighborhood and captured the 350-pound gator. "That's the biggest gator that has been here in the last 20 years that we have seen," neighbor Corey Larkam told WKMG-TV. An Orlando, Fla., woman was faced with a similar predicament last week when she was preparing to leave her home and found herself trapped by an alligator at her garage door. That alligator ended up being shot and killed by a trapper when it was found to be too aggressive to safely relocate. Read More Large alligator traps Florida woman in home Pennsylvania man's pet alligator is an emotional support animal Police seize illegal alligator from New York state home