
82-year-old grandma's snow-blowing skills go viral

By Ben Hooper
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Feb. 4 (UPI) -- An 82-year-old Michigan grandma is enjoying her viral fame after photos were posted online showing her happily using a snowblower after a major snowstorm.

Marlene Downing of Muskegon said she gladly donned her winter coat and ventured outside amid frigid temperatures when several inches of snow fell on her neighborhood.


"I like being outside, and I like the snow," Downing told WLS-TV. "I just don't need any help. I got this big machine, it works great."

Downing described herself as a "tough old broad" who doesn't need her grandkids to clear the snow for her.

"My grandson has plowed it once but I'm fine. I like being out there," she said.

The grandmother said the sound of the snowblower reminds her of her favorite summertime activity.

"I think the engine sounds like my Harley maybe," she said.

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