Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe June 20 (UPI) -- A Minnesota dog's owners announced the canine is retiring as the city's mayor after being elected to four terms in office. Mayor Duke, a great Pyrenees, was first elected to the mayoral office in Cormorant about four years ago in a write-in campaign and he was reelected to three more terms. Advertisement Dave Rick, Duke's owner, said it's time for the 13-year-old dog to retire as ceremonial mayor of the town, which boasts a population of about 1,000. Duke's duties during his tenure as mayor have included leading parades, appearing on billboards and serving as the town's ambassador. Jolene Beckman, a local elementary school teacher, is releasing a children's book based on Duke's time in office. A farewell parade for the canine mayor is being planned for August. Read More Wyoming family and dog reunited after three years Man punches bear in the nose to rescue beagle Hero dog jumps into Arizona pool to rescue drowning friend