Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe June 13 (UPI) -- A security camera outside a house in New York's Adirondacks captured the moment a mother bear and her cubs opened a minivan and climbed inside. Denise Montalto Pappas shared security camera footage from outside her house with the I Love Old Forge group on Facebook. Advertisement The footage shows the mother bear opening the sliding door and driver's door of the minivan with her pars and climbing inside before her cubs emerge from the woods and join her inside the vehicle. Pappas said the vehicle, and a red truck the mother bear also tried to enter, belonged to renters at her house. She told New York Upstate that the bears didn't cause any damage to the van, and just left "some paw prints" inside the vehicle. Pappas said the bears broke the door handle on the red truck, which they were unable to enter because it had been locked. "We have never had any problems with the wildlife," she said. "I'm waiting to catch a moose on the cameras. I check the night motion all the time praying to see one." Read More Firefighters help lower bear from Michigan tree Bear visits police parked on highway shoulder Bears roughhouse on golf course, steal flag from hole