Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe June 8 (UPI) -- A wallaby is on the loose in Indiana and was caught on video hopping near a road after escaping from a traveling petting zoo. Dan Wallen of Wallen Productions LLC, based in Tuscon, Ariz., said in a Facebook post that his wallaby escaped sometime early Wednesday morning near Lowell. Advertisement Veterinarian Pat Leininger said Wallen and his animals had stopped overnight Tuesday at the Harvest Thyme Pumpkin Patch. The vet said Wallen contacted her clinic, the Leininger Veterinary Clinic, to have his emus, ducks and chicken inoculated. Leininger said the marsupial is unlikely to pose any danger to humans. "I doubt that he's dangerous. I'm sure he's scared to death at this point," Leininger told The Northwest Indiana Times. Sherri Terborg Stegenga captured video of the loose wallaby wandering across a road. "We were at the shop next door and my husband was the first to see it," Stegenga told the Chicago Sun-Times. "I thought it was a deer until it started hopping." Read More Neighbors searching for escaped wallaby in Mississippi Fishermen rescue two wallabies and a pig from flooded river Wallaby struggling to swim hoisted from harbor by ferry crew Wallaby spotted hopping along the Sydney Harbor Bridge