Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe March 16 (UPI) -- Wildlife officers in Colorado tranquilized a mountain lion hanging out in a resident's backyard tree and the unusual capture was caught on camera. Katy Basinger recorded video March 11 when Colorado Parks and Wildlife officers responded to her home to remove the cougar her family spotted lounging in a tree behind their Grand Junction home. Advertisement The video shows a wildlife officer climbing up the tree to help the mountain lion fall into a waiting tarp. Basinger said the officers tranquilized the big cat, but the animal failed to fall to the ground on its own. "He got a better spot there than we gave him credit for," a man quips in the video. The cougar falls safely into a tarp being held by rescuers on the ground. Officials said the yearling mountain lion was tagged and will be released back into the wild a safe distance away. Read More Mountain lion shocks experts by using culvert to cross highway Mountain lion stalks man on trail for over an hour Officials: Photos confirm wandering cougar still in Wisconsin