
Mountain lion stalks man on trail for over an hour

By Ben Hooper
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March 5 (UPI) -- A British Columbia man recorded his hourlong encounter with a mountain lion that stalked him while he set up wildlife cameras.

Adam Bartsch's video, which was recorded Thursday and posted to YouTube by his wife, Chantelle Bartsch, shows him being stared down by a 140-pound tom cougar while setting up wildlife cameras on a trail north of the Campbell River on Vancouver Island.


"So I just found a shed antler, and there's a monster, monster tom at 20 meters [65 feet] looking at me. A monster tom cougar. And no, I don't have a gun. I have nothing. And he is huge," Bartsch says in the video.

Chantelle Bartsch said the cougar followed her husband for about an hour.

"This little game went on for about an hour. He actually three times did scare off the cougar successfully, or at least he thought successfully," she told Global News.

She said Adam thought he had finally lost the mountain lion, but a sound from his hunting predator call brought it out of hiding.

"And the cat was actually watching him," Chantelle Bartsch said. "The cat was hiding behind a tree the whole time."


The couple said the cougar eventually abandoned the hunt and left Adam to finish his work in peace.

The British Columbia Conservation Officer Service said the encounter should serve as a reminder to keep a respectful distance from wildlife.

"Here on Vancouver Island, and in particular the North Island, we have some of the highest cougar densities in North America, so I stress that education is key," North Island General Duty Officer Steve Petrovcic said.

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