
Florida man accused of punching ATM for giving too much money

By Ben Hooper
A Florida man was arrested after he allegedly punched an ATM screen for giving him too much cash. Photo by 3dman_eu/
A Florida man was arrested after he allegedly punched an ATM screen for giving him too much cash. Photo by 3dman_eu/

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Dec. 28 (UPI) -- A Florida man was charged with criminal mischief after he allegedly punched an ATM outside of a bank because it gave him too much cash.

Cocoa Police said a manager at the Wells Fargo bank was informed about 1 p.m. Nov. 29 that a man was outside punching the screen of an ATM.


Police said the man, whose ATM rampage was recorded by security cameras, called the bank a short time later to apologize for damaging the machine. He told officials he became angry and punched the ATM because it was giving him too much cash and he was frustrated because he didn't know what to do and was in a hurry to get to work.

The bank said damage to the ATM exceeded $5,000.

The Wells Fargo branch chose to press charges against the man, Michael Joseph Oleksik, 23, and he was arrested on a felony criminal mischief charge.

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