
Ohio residents trying to rescue deer with plastic pumpkin on face

By Ben Hooper
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Nov. 9 (UPI) -- Residents of an Ohio neighborhood are attempting to rescue a deer spotted wandering with a plastic pumpkin stuck on its face.

South Euclid resident John Cizmadia said he and neighbors have been trying to track the buck for a week to attempt to remove the plastic Halloween pumpkin stuck on its face.


A group of residents in Anderson Township, on the other side of the state, rescued a deer from a similar predicament just a few days before Halloween.

The Ohio Division of Wildlife said this is the third Halloween season in a row to feature reports of deer with plastic pumpkin problems.

Cizmadia said rescuing the deer is more difficult than simply sighting the troubled buck.

"You can't just walk up to it and pull it off," he told WEWS-TV.

He said rescuers came close to success on Tuesday night.

"We had a bunch of people together, and we had it kind of cornered by some tall fences, where it couldn't jump. We started to close in on it, kind of formed a ring to close in on it. It got spooked and ran at my daughter and knocked her down," said Cizmadia, whose daughter was not injured.


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