
Man converts fridge into fish tank to prank house guests

By Ben Hooper
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Nov. 7 (UPI) -- A Thai man converted his old refrigerator into a big fish tank to prank guests who come over and open the fridge door.

Amsawang Khanapoi, 39, shared a video showing him opening the fridge at his Bangkok home, revealing the inside of the appliance had been replaced with a fish tank.


Fish can be seen swimming by the blue light he installed inside the fridge.

"It's the perfect home for the fish. The fridge is big, deep and dark at night just like the wild," he said. "When I have a guest I'll close the door and ask them to get a beer from the fridge. They open the door and they're shocked. It's very funny."

Khanapoi stressed the fish are not food, despite the aesthetics of their new home.

"The fish are to keep as pets, they're for ornamental display. They're beautiful and wouldn't ever dream of eating them," he said.

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