Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe Oct. 23 (UPI) -- A Canadian man was stopped by police for singing in his car and slapped with a $149 ticket. The incident happened on Sept. 27 in Saint-Laurent, Quebec, when Taoufik Moalla sang the 1990s hit Everybody Dance Now by C+C Music Factory and the music was interrupted by police sirens. Advertisement "I was thinking they wanted to pass, but they called on the speaker 'Please go to the right side,'" Moalla told CTV News. "I stopped and four police came, two on each side, and checked the inside of the car." Police asked Moalla if he'd been screaming. "No, I was just listening to my favourite song," Moalla answered. "I repeated, 'Everybody dance now!'" Police, though, determined he had been screaming -- which is a violation in Quebec. "I don't know if my voice was very bad and that's why I got the ticket," Moalla said. "But I was very shocked. I understand if they are doing their job, they are allowed to check if everything's okay, if I kidnapped someone or if there's danger inside but I would never expect they would give me a ticket for that." Advertisement Moalla said he will appeal the ticket. Read More Teen pulled over while wearing 'Shrek' makeup Woman brings police officer a cake reading: 'Sorry I tried to bite you' Man makes good on Facebook bet with police, turns self in with doughnuts