
Bell-ringing Japanese cats play keyboard

By Daniel Uria
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Aug. 7 (UPI) -- A pair of cats in Japan that gained viral fame by ringing bells have expanded their musical range to include the keyboard.

Japanese Twitter user b_ru_ru shared video of the "cat pianist" concert, as the two musically inclined felines carefully took turns pressing the keys of an electric keyboard.


The free concert featured the two cats teaming up to perform a duet of "creative and rhythmic songs."

In one clip, the gray tabby cat begins the concert by pressing a sequence of keys in the middle of the piano, before executing a slide and settling on one key on the left side of the keyboard. The black and white cat then caps off the performance with a pair of notes spaced out by a dramatic pause.

Much like their previous musical endeavors, the cats were rewarded with treats each time they successfully struck a key.

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