
Train passenger sets up desktop computer on seat tray

By Ben Hooper
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July 11 (UPI) -- An aghast passenger on a British train shared a photo of a fellow commuter who apparently decided to forgo a laptop in favor of setting up an entire computer.

David Hill tweeted a photo showing a woman in the First Class area of the train from Darlington to London Kings Cross working with a full-sized iMac computer and keyboard she set up on the seat-back tray.


"A lady has brought her iMac onto the train! Has she not heard of a laptop??" Hill tweeted.

Hill's tweet quickly went viral, with thousands of retweets.

"I had to look twice, I was shocked to see such a large computer on the small table. At first I thought she was a staff member, so I actually walked past, and then thought I had to take a photo," he told The Telegraph. "I work for a software company, and been traveling on the trains for about 15 years, I have never seen anything like it. The lady had a full wired keyboard and mouse. I am still puzzled why someone would carry a desktop computer around, when a laptop would give her the same options, with more portability."


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