Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe May 26 (UPI) -- Park Rangers in California's Santa Monica Mountains have a message for amorous high schoolers: Stop defacing National Parks for promposals. The Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area posted a photo to Facebook of a rock bearing a gigantic one-word message in white spray paint: "Prom?" Advertisement The post, authored by "Ranger Zach," said the promposal wasn't even original -- a near-identical piece of graffiti was cleaned from a rock in the same area last year. "We love hearing about creative promposals, but damaging public lands is not the way to do it. For the second year in a row, the same graffiti message has been scrawled on a rock near Sandstone Peak," the Facebook post said. Read More Indian forest ranger jumps off house roof to dodge leopard attack Tennessee teen skydives for elaborate promposal Teen recreates 'La La Land' opening scene for Emma Stone 'promposal' 'The Office' fan uses teapot to ask girl to prom