Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe May 18 (UPI) -- A mother moose and her baby paid a visit to an Alaskan town, being filmed first walking down the middle of a highway and later lounging at a school. The mama moose and her baby were filmed Monday walking in the middle of a highway in Homer, Alaska. Advertisement "My wife and I were driving home and saw a baby and mama moose next to the highway and we decided to stop to let them cross the roadway," the filmer wrote. "They decided to walk down the lane we were driving on. About a minute of trailing them at a slow 3mph, my wife who was driving told me that this would be a good opportunity to film the mom and calf." The man said the pair of moose left the roadway and headed toward nearby Paul Banks Elementary School. The school streamed a Facebook Live video the following day of the mother moose and calf resting comfortably in a courtyard in easy video of a classroom window. Read More Moose wanders onto elementary school playground Maine commuters run into 'heavy moose traffic' on bridge Moose rescued after falling through ice on Minnesota lake 'Very docile' moose tranquilized after wandering Canada neighborhood