Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe May 1 (UPI) -- A mystery monkey first spotted on the loose in a Florida city about a week ago has resurfaced, but remains elusive to authorities. The Rhesus macaque monkey, which was caught on camera April 24 near the Max and Me Jamaican Bakery in Apopka, was spotted again Sunday evening and reported to Orange County Fire Rescue officials. Advertisement Responders were unable to locate the monkey after the sighting, which was reported to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The monkey was sighted again about 7:30 a.m. Monday morning near the Jamaican eatery. Latosha West posted a video to Facebook showing the primate standing out in the open next to a road. "I didn't believe it until I seen it with my own two eyes a monkey in South Apopka ... they better gettem before somebody kill him," West wrote. Chad Weber of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said the monkey could be an escaped pet, but is likely a member of a wild monkey population in Central Florida. The monkeys, native to Asia, are thought to be related to a group of monkeys brought to Silver Springs State Park in the 1930s as part of a river cruise attraction. Advertisement The University of Florida estimates up to 200 of the monkeys live in the region. Read More Loose monkey spotted hanging out near Florida bakery 'Militant' anti-smoking monkey destroys tourist's cigarettes Israeli zoo searching for escaped monkey around Tel Aviv