
Giant alligator slowly chases cranes across green at Florida gold club

By Ben Hooper
An alligator chases two sandhill cranes at the ChampionsGate Golf Club near Orlando, Fla. Screenshot: Bill Pruitt/Facebook
An alligator chases two sandhill cranes at the ChampionsGate Golf Club near Orlando, Fla. Screenshot: Bill Pruitt/Facebook

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May 1 (UPI) -- A golfer on a Florida course captured video of a huge alligator in a slow-speed chase of two tasty-looking sandhill cranes.

Bill Pruitt posted a video to Facebook showing the massive alligator slowly stalking two sandhill cranes, which flee the reptile at a leisurely speed, Friday at the ChampionsGate Golf Club in Davenport, near Orlando.


"It frightened me," Pruitt told the Tampa Bay Times. "It was at least 10 feet. I'm 6-2, and he was twice the size of me."

"He walked across the green following the birds. He walked right where my ball was," Pruitt said.

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