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Employees have been doing their best to protect her until she and her goslings decide to return to the nearby pond.
"We just came in one day, and we saw two geese just kind of hovered around this area," Tony Nemec, the store's team leader, told KUSA. "Wasn't really sure what she was up to. She just hung out there for the first day and noticed she was building a nest."
About two weeks later, the goose laid her eggs and staff contacted the local Parks and Wildlife department for advice on how to handle the situation.
"They assured us that the best thing to do was just to leave her alone ... and maybe put a barricade around them, and that's what we did," Nemec said. "Maybe she knows we're going to take care of her."
In addition to the safety barricade, staff set up a plastic pool for the goose to swim in and customers offered her food to snack on.
The goose's mate, which staff named Jason, has also been spotted hanging around the area, although he was injured after being struck by a car.
Nemec and the rest of the store's employees expect the eggs to hatch by about May 5 at which point they intend to work with wildlife officials to guide the family to safety.
"I'm pretty excited to see the baby goose running around the parking lot. We're hoping they'll be safe. We have the police and animal control on call, so if she needs to cross Wadsworth with her little ones, they'll guide her through. They've already agreed to that," he said.