
Snake darts through ajar door, tries to attack store customer

By Ben Hooper
A snake strikes at a man as he opens the door to a video game shop in Thailand. Screenshot: Chanayut Saithong/Facebook
A snake strikes at a man as he opens the door to a video game shop in Thailand. Screenshot: Chanayut Saithong/Facebook

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April 11 (UPI) -- A security camera at a store in Thailand captured the moment a snake darted through the ajar door and repeatedly tried to strike a man.

The video, posted to Facebook by Chanayut Saithong, shows a man cracking the door open while conversing with other people inside the video game store in Wiset Chai Chan, Ang Thong Province.


A snake suddenly darts through the open door and appears to attempt to strike the man, but succeeds only in latching onto his clothes.

The man tries to shake free of the serpent and ends up with the reptile tangled around his limbs before he falls to the ground and breaks free of the attacker.

The man and the other customers in the store were not injured in the encounter and the snake was removed by authorities and relocated. The type of snake was not reported.

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