Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe March 21 (UPI) -- A burglar in Virginia was arrested at a local hospital after breaking his leg while attempting to rob an apartment. Leoul Yosef, 21, awaited arrest in a Fairfax County hospital after he broke his leg by jumping from a second floor balcony while attempting to rob a woman moving into her new apartment in Alexandria. Advertisement Yosef crawled away from the scene as police followed his tracks in the snow and received a report that someone in the area had called 911 to tend to a broken leg. "The kind of twist in this story is our suspect who jumped from the balcony then calls Fairfax County Fire and Rescue because he is in pain because of his leg," Fairfax County Police officer Don Gotthardt told Fox 5. "The officers get there, they recognize the description. He was wearing all black carrying a backpack in close proximity to where the burglary just occurred." Officers arrested Yosef after he was released from the hospital and hoped his story would send a message to other criminals. "Do the right thing, don't be breaking into people's houses and maybe you won't break your leg," Gotthardt said. Advertisement Read More Florida woman calls 911 after being locked inside CVS Nearly 100-year-old woman 'arrested' to fulfill bucket list item Man stopped at red light uses slingshot to take out traffic camera