
Bad parking job at Maine Walmart earns swift shopping cart justice

By Ben Hooper
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BIDDEFORD, Maine, Dec. 22 (UPI) -- A visitor to a Walmart in Maine captured a now-viral photo of a bad parker getting some swift justice in the form of a shopping cart barrier.

Matthew Mills posted a photo to Facebook Sunday that shows a car straddling two parking spaces at the Walmart store in Biddeford.


"This guy got a lesson in parking," Mills wrote.

Mills said the bad parking job was made all the more egregious by the fact that the car was taking up two handicapped spots and didn't have a placard.

Mills said the word on the street was that the inconsiderate driver was actually an employee at the store.

"I was told it was an employee," Mills told KTRK-TV. "It was icy and they [allegedly] slid into the spot this way and later found the carts arranged around their car.

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