
Oldest living American celebrates 114th birthday in New Jersey

By Daniel Uria
Adele Dunlap, a life-long New Jersey resident, celebrated her 114th birthday as the oldest living American. Staff at Country Arch Care Center said she was tired of the fuss as she claimed to be a decade younger and requested her birthday simply be celebrated alongside the other residents born in December.
 Screen capture/The Record
Adele Dunlap, a life-long New Jersey resident, celebrated her 114th birthday as the oldest living American. Staff at Country Arch Care Center said she was tired of the fuss as she claimed to be a decade younger and requested her birthday simply be celebrated alongside the other residents born in December. Screen capture/The Record

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CLINTON, N.J., Dec. 16 (UPI) -- A New Jersey woman celebrated her 114th birthday five months after being named the oldest living American.

Adele Dunlap celebrated the milestone birthday in an as unspectacular a fashion as possible during the monthly birthday celebrations held for residents of Country Arch Care Center.


"She's tired of all the attention," an unidentified employee told the Hunterdon Review.

Clinton Mayor Janice Kovach attended Dunlap's birthday celebration to present her with a proclamation from the town honoring her as the oldest living American.

While the designation has been confirmed by the Gerontology Research Group, Dunlap maintains she's a decade younger than the group claims.

"Apparently she tells people she's only 104," Kovach said. "You know what? I think anyone who's 114 can claim anything they want."

In addition to requesting her record-setting birthday not be celebrated separately from the other residents of Country Arch she shrugged off reporters from The Record who inquired about her birthday wish.

"I've never thought of such a thing. I don't wish for anything," she said.

Dunlap's special day ultimately came and went with little more than a rendition of "Happy Birthday" performed by staff for her and 15 other residents.


"Ms. Adele has requested that the celebrations become fewer because she says we are all important, and that speaks volumes about who she is," Country Arch's marketing director Susan Dempster said.

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