
Friendly fox joins man for nighttime walk in London

By Ben Hooper
A man pets a fox that joined him for a walk in London. Screenshot: Henry Hoffman/YouTube
A man pets a fox that joined him for a walk in London. Screenshot: Henry Hoffman/YouTube

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LONDON, Nov. 29 (UPI) -- A man taking a nighttime walk in London encountered a friendly fox that strolled by his side and at one point tried to take his backpack.

Henry Hoffman posted a video to YouTube showing the fox he encountered while walking through the Hampton Wick area.


"So, I'm just chilling out with this fox right now," Hoffman says while the fox walks at his side. "He is like my mate, he's just a friend of mine now, which is kind of cool."

The fox engages in a playful round of tug-of-war with Hoffman by pulling on the handle to his backpack.

Hoffman complains the fox "won't let me go" while he tries to pull his bag from the fox's mouth.

"I love you, but you have to let me go home," the filmer says.

The fox eventually lets go of the bag and allows the man to pet it.

Hoffman wrote in the video's description that fox is a "good guy" but "a bit clingy."

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