@drakeuniversity A photo posted by champagnepapi (@champagnepapi) on Oct 5, 2016 at 12:23am PDT Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe DES MOINES, Iowa, Oct. 6 (UPI) -- An online campaign to get Drake to visit Iowa's Drake University proved successful -- but only one student was awake to meet the rapper. Students at the Des Moines college posted "#BringDrakeToDrake" on social media ahead of Drake's Tuesday night concert at Wells Fargo Arena, and the musician was presented during his concert with a custom-made Drake University letterman jacket. Advertisement The students woke up Wednesday to discover Drake had indeed visited the campus on his way out of town, but it was at 2:30 a.m., and only a single student encountered the star. "They missed it and I felt so bad for them," junior Ben Scott, the lone fan to meet Drake, told WHO-TV. "I think I was the only one that actually saw him and spoke to him which was phenomenal. I can't believe it happened." Drake rang the doorbell at two sorority houses, but no one was awake. Scott, who had attended Drake's concert earlier in the evening, spotted the rapper from across the street. "We just had a really brief conversation, 'Hey, do you think anyone is awake? What's going on?'" he said. Advertisement Drake ended up leaving after snapping an Instagram photo with the school's sign, a picture that is already becoming iconic at the college. A post to Drake University's official Twitter page revealed the school had footprints drawn on top of the sign for students and others seeking to attempt to recreate the photo.We've noticed people trying to recreate the photo of @Drake, so to assure an Instagram quality photo we put these down. #BringDraketoDrake pic.twitter.com/FX0s6rg2km— Drake University (@DrakeUniversity) October 5, 2016 "We ran together, we cried together yesterday and now we're in disbelief together that it actually happened," Drake Student Body President Thalia Anguiano. "I missed him, it was really close. At least I can say Drake was on my campus." Read More Philadelphia police alter Drake video for 'No Savesies' parking campaign Lil Wayne details his girlfriend's affair with Drake in upcoming memoir Drake releases 'Views' tie-in short film 'Please Forgive Me' on Apple Music