
Stubborn cockatoo refuses to return owner's stolen toast

By Daniel Uria
A stubborn cockatoo attempted to steal his owners breakfast one morning. The owner chased the devilish cockatoo, known as Eric the Legend, around the kitchen before scolding him and forcing him to drop the toast. 
 Screen capture/Storyful/YouTube
A stubborn cockatoo attempted to steal his owners breakfast one morning. The owner chased the devilish cockatoo, known as Eric the Legend, around the kitchen before scolding him and forcing him to drop the toast. Screen capture/Storyful/YouTube

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WASHINGTON, Sept. 9 (UPI) -- A thieving cockatoo played a game of keep-away with its owner's breakfast, stealing his piece of toast and refusing to give it back.

Video shared to YouTube shows Australian Bare Eyed Cockatoo "Eric the Legend" snatching the freshly buttered piece of toast from his owner's breakfast plate as he turned his back away.


The stubborn bird took a small bite, despite his owner's protest, before snagging the whole piece of toast and flying over to the dining room table.

Eric's attempt to enjoy a human breakfast was eventually thwarted as his owner approached the table shouting "my toast!" and causing the bird to drop the bread.

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