
Tunisian couple wins real cow from mobile game

By Daniel Uria
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TUNIS, Tunisia, May 13 (UPI) -- A couple in the African country of Tunisia won a live cow as a prize for their performance in a mobile game.

According to C-Net, the couple were awarded the cow named Pamela after achieving the top score in the mobile game Bagra, which is named after the Arabic word for "cow."


The game was created by Tunisia-based developers Digital Mania and has players abduct their opponents' cows with a UFO while protecting their own.

The BBC reports that the couple were given the choice to donate the cow, have the cow delivered to them live or receive the prize in raw meat.

Pamela was kept alive and a second cow named Brigitte will be the next animal prize, while other winners can receive phones and tablets.

The game also features in-game purchases that alter the gameplay, with all transactions being completed using Tunisian dinar instead of US dollars in hopes of boosting the national economy.


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