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The tar steams as it covers the iPhone in gooey sludge and TechRax flips the phone as a curious mosquito ends up getting its legs stuck in the tar.
"There's a mosquito that's stuck on the hot tar," the vlogger laughs. "It's legs are completely stuck. Sorry guys, I'm getting a little bit side-tracked."
TechRax pours more tar over the back of the iPhone, before again getting side-tracked by the mosquito.
"Let's pour some on that mosquito, as well," he says. "Guys, I do not support any animal or insect abuse, but mosquitoes now, you know, a Zika virus, or whatever it's called in Brazil. Be careful out there, stay safe."
TechRax extracts the iPhone, which seems to have burned out on the inside, from the tar. The mosquito remains embedded in the hardening sludge.
"This stuff will burn you and hardens FAST. I wouldn't suggest even messing with it let alone pouring this steaming hot asphalt on an iPhone 6S," TechRax wrote in the video's description.