
Runaway dog joins half marathon, finishes seventh

By Ben Hooper

Working on results...Wanted to share this photo of that was sent to me after the race. 󾌵This is Ludivane - she ran the entire half marathon and finished 7th overall with a time of 1:32.56

Posted by Elkmont Half Marathon - The Trackless Train Trek on Sunday, January 17, 2016
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ELKMONT, Ala., Jan. 25 (UPI) -- Organizers of an Alabama half marathon said an unregistered participant -- a runaway dog -- joined runners for the full race and finished seventh.

The Elkmont Half Marathon said the Jan. 17 race featured Ludivane the bloodhound making her racing debut after wandering out of her owner's yard and joining runners at the starting line.


Race organizers said in a Facebook post that Ludivane ran the entire Trackless Train Trek course and finished seventh with a time of 1:32.56.

The organizers posted a photo of Ludivane proudly sporting a medal after completing the race and being reunited with her owner.

"My first reaction was that I was embarrassed and worried that she had possibly gotten in the way of the other runners," April Hill, Ludivane's owner, told Runner's World. "All I did was open the door, and she ran the race on her own accord."

Ludivine's grand entrance to half marathon running!


Posted by Elkmont Half Marathon - The Trackless Train Trek on Monday, January 18, 2016

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