
Turkish mosque opens its doors to local cats

By Daniel Uria
Mustafe Efe imam of Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi Mosque in Istanbul has opened up the mosque's doors to local cats, including a mother who brought her litter of kittens to stay in the mosque.
 Photo by Mustafa Efe/Facebook
Mustafe Efe imam of Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi Mosque in Istanbul has opened up the mosque's doors to local cats, including a mother who brought her litter of kittens to stay in the mosque. Photo by Mustafa Efe/Facebook

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ISTANBUL, Turkey, Jan. 19 (UPI) -- A mosque in Turkey has gained attention for showing hospitality to it's feline neighbors by allowing local cats inside the house of worship.

Imam Mustafa Efe of Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi Mosque in Istanbul posted photos and video to Faceobook of himself and other patrons interacting with neighborhood cats inside the mosque. One video even showed a mother bringing her kittens into the mosque for safety.


"Our mosque's Friday guests," Efe wrote on the Facebook post. "The kitty has found the heart of companion and mercy."

Efe is not the only one who enjoys the presence of the cats as he also posted photos of other members of the congregation taking time to play with the furry visitor.

"Our congregation love the cats," he wrote "They have created a beautiful parable of compassion and mercy."

Camimizin Cuma misafirleri, Bugün Hutbe de bizi bekleyen süpriz :)Kedicik şefkat ve merhametin merkezini bulmuş...


Posted by Mustafa Efe on Thursday, April 16, 2015

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