
'Game of Thrones' star sets record by carrying refrigerators 65 feet

By Daniel Uria
Hafthor Bjornsson, known for his role as "The Mountain" on "Game of Thrones" set a Guinness World Record by carrying two refrigerators, totaling 992 pounds, 65 feet in 19.6 seconds. 
 Photo by Guinness World Records/YouTube
Hafthor Bjornsson, known for his role as "The Mountain" on "Game of Thrones" set a Guinness World Record by carrying two refrigerators, totaling 992 pounds, 65 feet in 19.6 seconds. Photo by Guinness World Records/YouTube

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LONDON, Jan. 19 (UPI) -- Icelandic strongman Hafthor Bjornsson, known for his role as "The Mountain" on HBO's Game of Thrones set a Guiness World Record for being the fastest person to carry two refrigerators 65 feet.

Bjornsson set the record for "fastest man carrying two fridges over 20m" as part of a Guinness World Records Italian television series where he competed with Lithuanian Zydrunas Savickas.


The men were tasked with carrying two refrigerators held together by a metal structure, weighing 992 pounds in total. Bjornsson ultimately bested Savickas, a world's strongest man winner, with a time of 19.6 seconds.

Bjornsson also hold's the Guinness World Record for highest beer keg toss, which he set in December by throwing a 33-pound keg 24 feet and 6 inches into the air.

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