
Football fan's flaming backside extinguished by tailgaters' beers

By Ben Hooper
An apparently drunk Buffalo Bills fan lights the back of his pants on fire while tailgating prior to Sunday's game. @boxxa/Twitter video screenshot
An apparently drunk Buffalo Bills fan lights the back of his pants on fire while tailgating prior to Sunday's game. @boxxa/Twitter video screenshot

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ORCHARD PARK, N.Y., Jan. 4 (UPI) -- A group of rowdy Buffalo Bills fans tailgating before Sunday's game were recorded on video using their beer to put out the fire on the seat of their friend's pants.

The video, posted to Twitter, shows fans surrounding a burning table Sunday outside Ralph Wilson Stadium in the Buffalo suburb of Orchard Park.


One apparently drunken reveler takes a butt-first jump onto the table, which lights the seat of his pants on fire.

The man ignores the warnings of other tailgaters and takes a second jump onto the table before his fellow fans move in to extinguish his flaming pants with their cans of beer.

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