
10-year-old drives in China while adult passenger plays with cellphone

By Ben Hooper
A young boy drives while his adult passenger focuses on a cellphone. Newsflare video screenshot
A young boy drives while his adult passenger focuses on a cellphone. Newsflare video screenshot

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CHENGDU, China, Jan. 4 (UPI) -- Police in China are investigating a video showing what appears to be a 10-year-old boy driving while an adult passenger plays on a cellphone.

The video, filmed by a passenger in another vehicle, shows what police believe to be a 10-year-old boy driving a car in Chengdu while an adult male passenger looks down at his cellphone.


Police said the adult did not appear to be paying any attention to the boy's driving, focusing instead on the screen of his phone.

The passenger in the car, which was going about 20 mph when the video was filmed, could face charges if identified, police said.

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