
Finnish police ask public to report cheap pizzas

By Ben Hooper

Jäikö kuitti saamatta pizzanhakureissulla?"Ihana pizzantuoksu leijuu laatikosta, hetken kuluttua pääsen...

Posted by Talousrikostutkijat Anne ja Jutta on Sunday, October 11, 2015
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HELSINKI, Finland, Oct. 16 (UPI) -- Police in Finland are asking pizzeria customers to report eateries offering pies for less than $6.81, as such restaurants are likely dodging taxes.

The campaign, which police departments are promoting on their social media pages, calls on customers to report establishments selling pizzas for less than 6 euros -- $6.81 -- as that price is considered to be the minimum possible for an eatery to turn a profit while paying the required taxes.


"Unless a pizza is on temporary sale there is no way a legitimate establishment can offer pizza for less than six euros," Detective Inspector Minna Immonen of the Uusimaa police department told national broadcaster Yle.

The campaign calls on customers to make sure they always get a receipt with their pizzas to verify the business is legitimate.

"It's important to remind people that a low price is not the only indicator, and that not being offered or given a receipt is another red flag people should be aware of," Immonen said. "As nice as a cheap pizza seems, especially with food prices as high as they are, too cheap and it makes it possible for some entrepreneurs to hatch money-grabbing schemes."


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