
Presidential candidate 'Deez Nuts' is an Iowa 15-year-old

"I really didn't want to see [Hillary] Clinton, [Jeb] Bush, or [Donald] Trump in the White House, so I guess I'm just trying to put up a fight," said Brady Olson, the 15-year-old boy behind the Deez Nuts campaign for president.

By Ben Hooper
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WALLINGFORD, Iowa, Aug. 20 (UPI) -- The 15-year-old Iowa boy behind the presidential campaign of "Deez Nuts" said he plans to take his practical joke "as far as America wants to take it."

Brady Olson, a Wallingford teenager whose identity as Deez Nuts was confirmed by a tweet from his father, told Rolling Stone magazine he is a 15-year-old incoming high school sophomore with "no day job, no kids, no marriage."


Olson, whose fictional candidate was found to be polling at 9 percent in North Carolina by the latest Public Policy Polling data, said his parents have been supportive about his campaign, which he said was born out of "half trying to break the two-party system, half frustration with the front-runners."

The teenager, who said he tends to "side more with the Libertarian Party," said he isn't a fan of the Democratic or Republican front-runners.

"I really didn't want to see [Hillary] Clinton, [Jeb] Bush, or [Donald] Trump in the White House, so I guess I'm just trying to put up a fight," Olson said.

When asked what qualifies him to be president, Olson responded: "The fact that if I can fill out a form so vague that it doesn't include your age, or the fact that all get accepted even if they're only partially filled, anyone can run."


The incomplete FEC paperwork for Deez Nuts can be viewed online.

Olson said he asked Public Policy Polling to include Deez Nuts in its polling data, but "I wanted it to be against low-pollers, like me vs Lindsey Graham vs Lincoln Chafee, to see how desperate voters would be in that situation."

He said he would make a better president than Donald Trump "because I'm young and I think I have fresher ideas because whatever decisions I make would have longer effects on me."

Olson said there are two candidates he likes, Democrat Bernie Sanders and Libertarian Gary Johnson, and he offered some advice to Hillary Clinton in the form of a question: "Why can't you be more open and friendly like Bernie?"

The teenager said he is willing to take his practical joke "As far as America wants to take it."

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