
Patient sings, plays guitar while undergoing brain surgery

Anthony Kulkamp Dias, who was kept awake to ensure sensitive areas of his brain weren't damaged during the operation, performed music for the doctors performing his surgery.

By Ben Hooper
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TUBARAO, Brazil, June 4 (UPI) -- A man undergoing brain surgery in Brazil was filmed singing and playing songs including the Beatles' "Yesterday" on his guitar while doctors removed his tumor.

Dr. Mark Ghizoni and his surgery team at Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceicao in Tubarao said patients undergoing the surgery are commonly kept awake to talk and gesture to ensure they don't suffer damage to sensitive brain areas, but Anthony Kulkamp Dias, 33, took the practice a step further by bringing his guitar with him into the operating theater.


Dias serenaded his surgeons with songs including "Yesterday," by the Beatles, and a number of songs in German.

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