
Apartment-invading Oslo pigeon lays egg in frying pan

Stian Fjelldal said there were birds looking at the egg through his window while he cleaned up the mess the pigeon left behind.

By Ben Hooper
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OSLO, Norway, June 3 (UPI) -- A Norwegian man visited his spare apartment and discovered a home-invading pigeon had laid an egg in the most appropriate spot -- his frying pan.

Stian Fjelldal shared a video on YouTube showing how he returned to his spare Oslo apartment, which he uses as a place to work on his music, to find an invading pigeon had defecated all over the inside the residence.


Fjelldal shooed the pigeon out through a window before surveying the rest of the apartment and discovering the bird had built a nest and laid an egg in a place where eggs belong: the frying pan.

"I had to clean, the kitchen was a total mess. I noticed two doves on the window-sill looking at the egg. I almost felt a little guilty," he told Norwegian broadcaster TV2.

Fjelldal said he has not decided what to do with the egg, but he might put it to scientific use.

"I work at the Norwegian Environment Agency. I may bring the egg into work so we can take some samples. We may find traces of pollutants, in that way the egg will come to some use," he told newspaper VG


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