Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe MUSKEGON, Mich., April 1 (UPI) -- A Michigan woman whose van with a missing driver-side door was made famous by viral photos said the door was fixed by a stranger for free. Amanda Maxfield of Muskegon said her van was photographed and turned into a meme on Facebook while it was being driven by her friend, Devin Beeman, but the photo that went viral recently was only the latest in a series of pictures and videos taken by strangers during the past year. Advertisement Maxfield said the van's door was destroyed by a collision more than a year ago and it has been without a door ever since because her family couldn't afford to replace it and her fiancé was unable to repair it on his own. She said the most recent viral photo led to a flood of negative comments and bullying online, but it was one comment in particular that caught her attention -- an offer of help. James Barber said he wanted to counteract all the negativity with his offer to repair the van door. "Of course, the public comments were insults and being mean, and I got on there an offered to help," Barber told WXMI-TV. Advertisement Barber fitted a replacement door to the van Saturday. "I could not believe that somebody out of the kindness of their heart would help someone like that they don't even know," Maxfield said. She said Barber has inspired her to commit her own acts of kindness. "I actually can't wait to pay it forward. I can't wait to help somebody like he has helped," Maxfield said. Read More Florida dad uses Camaro to yank 8-year-old's tooth Russian viral video's 'innovation' makes 'tow trucks obsolete' Texas lawsuit: Racial slur printed on wedding reception photos Woman choked with bra defends herself with ceramic chicken