Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe TOKYO, Jan. 20 (UPI) -- A Tokyo University professor created a video featuring 100 of his 2.2-pound robots performing a three-minute dance routine in unison. Tomotaka Takahashi, a professor at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology at Tokyo University and chief executive officer of the Robo Garage Co., said his "100 Robi" project was aimed at demonstrating how robots could be mass produced at a low cost. Advertisement Takahashi showed off his robots' dancing skills Monday. "I think there is a difference between one robot that dances by itself and this kind of mass dancing," Takahashi said. "So I had to think of how to achieve this and what sort of movements would work well with in the dance. That's what I thought about when designing this routine -- that was the difficult part." Each robot stands about 14 inches tall and weighs 2.2 pounds. Read More Disney's Beachbot etches art into the sand Robot dishes out ice cream at Chinese mall Watch: Dragon battles giant spider in Beijing Video: Robot cheerleaders perform synchronized routine