
Teen tops own Guinness World Record for texting

Marcel Fernandes Filho set the previous Guinness World Record in May using a Samsung Galaxy S3.

By Ben Hooper
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NEW YORK, Nov. 20 (UPI) -- The 17-year-old Guinness World Record holder for text messaging topped his own record in New York using an iPhone 6 Plus.

Marcel Fernandes Filho of Brazil used Syntellia's Fleksy keyboard app Nov. 7 to type the Guinness-required phrase -- "The razor-toothed piranhas of the genera Serrasalmus and Pygocentrus are the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. In reality they seldom attack a human" – in 17 seconds flat.


Filho's text topped his own world record by 1.19 seconds. A Guinness adjudicator was on hand to verify the record.

His previous record, set in May, involved the same third-party keyboard app installed on a Samsung Galaxy S4 phone. The power-texting teen might want keep his chin up while messaging off the clock -- a recent paper suggests "text neck" is reaching epidemic proportions among smartphone users, and could lead to serious spinal injury later in life.

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