
Clashing political parties in Sweden join forces to blast 'Schindler's List' theme over neo-Nazi rally

Norrköping's controlling party the Social Democrats and their minority opposition the Moderate Party set aside their political differences to oppose the far-right neo-Nazi group.

By Matt Bradwell
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NORRKöPING, Sweden, Aug. 26 (UPI) -- A city in Sweden fought back against local neo-Nazis staging a rally Tuesday by loudly playing the theme from Schindler's List over the demonstration.

From 10 a.m. to noon local time, the far-right Party of the Swedes held a police-approved demonstration in Norrköping's Tyska Torget, which translates to the German Square. To combat their efforts, the town blasted the musical theme from the 1993 Steven Speilberg film Schindler's List from the 80 bells atop Norrköping's city hall.


"This is a symbol for tolerance and to show that we have a welcoming society," Fredrik Bergqvist, vice chairman of the Norrköping city board and member of the Moderate Party, told The Local.

"We're playing the theme from Schindler's List because it's a symbol for what's happened in European history."

Although identified throughout the media and by themselves as "far-right," by European political standards that equates the Party of the Swedes with neo-Nazi and other ethnocentric hate groups, a designation its members embrace.

"Only people who belong to the western genetic and cultural heritage, where ethnic Swedes are included, may be Swedish citizens," the official party platform states.


"Non-Swedes should not be allowed to hold positions of power within the Swedish society ... All policy decisions should be based on what is best for the ethnic Swedes' interests."

Despite typically co-existing in opposition, the Social Democrats, Norrköping's controlling party, and their minority opposition, the Moderate Party, have come together to oppose the far-right's attempt to infect their town with racism.

"We totally agree on this one," Bergqvist said.

"And it's absolutely imperative to have these discussions. When there are extreme movements, the borders of acceptable actions and thinking can shift. And when that happens, racism can become more accepted sooner or later. That's something we're not going to allow."

The rally comes a day after at least 10 people were injured in Malmö, Sweden when police literally trampled demonstrators with horses to when a neo-Nazi demonstration got out of control.

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