
Buy Matthew McConaughey's eternal soul for only $15 on Etsy

Shipping from SoulsRUs costs extra.

By Evan Bleier
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MINNEAPOLIS, June 13 (UPI) -- Anyone with $15 and access to the Internet can go on the web and purchase Matthew McConaughey's soul, providing they have an extra $5 to cover the shipping costs.

The star's soul is being sold by SoulsRUs, an online Etsy shop which specializes in selling celebrity souls.


The store is running low on inventory right now -- although Drake's eternal spirit is still available -- but SoulsRUs has previously sold the souls of celebs like Justin Bieber, Ryan Gosling and Jennifer Lawrence.

The owner of the store, Molly "The Happy Reaper" Gates, is happy to provide fans with the ultimate souvenir.

"No matter your reasoning, I don't judge. My hobby is reaping souls, and I do it very well," she writes on the store's page. "I place each one in a stylish mason jar to keep it fresh and out of trouble. Fear not, this jar does not pose a threat to you or your loved ones ... as long as it stays closed."

Gates found out she was good at reaping souls while she was growing up in Minnesota.


"I was playing with a childhood friend ... 'reaping' souls of her stuffed animals. You know, kid stuff. Then I got my hands on her hamster, and when I pretended to reap its soul, I actually did it. That friend and I don't talk anymore," Gates told Mashable.

According to Gates, she sold Bieber's soul for half-price because she wanted him out of her house as soon as possible.

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