
Texas restaurant that wants 'men to act like men' tells gay couple 'we don't serve fags here'

Big Earl’s Restaurant in Pittsburg requires "men to act like men and for ladies to act like ladies" and now the restaurant is being trolled on Yelp.

By Evan Bleier
A gay man sticks out his tongue during the annual Gay Pride Parade in Tel Aviv, Israel. (File/UPI/Debbie Hill)
A gay man sticks out his tongue during the annual Gay Pride Parade in Tel Aviv, Israel. (File/UPI/Debbie Hill) | License Photo

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PITTSBURG, Texas, May 29 (UPI) -- A Texas restaurant that allegedly told a gay couple "we don't serve fags here" is now getting its just desserts on social review site Yelp.

A Pittsburg, Texas, couple claims they were told that Big Earl's Bait House and Country Store has a policy requiring "men to act like men" and "women to act like ladies" they apparently violated.


When they broke the policy, Collin Dewberry and partner Kelly Williams claim a waitress pointed out the policy -- which is posted on a piece of paper on the front door of the restaurant -- and then referred to them with a derogatory word.

"We've never had that kind of hate displayed to us before," Dewberry told KLTV. "I laughed. I was shocked. I didn't know really how to react."

Earl Cheney owns the restaurant and his daughter was the rude waitress. He told the station she was just reacting to Dewberry and Williams touching legs.

"I didn't go over there to inspect to see what he was rubbing. That's just not appropriate in a family restaurant that has a sign on the front door that we just don't do that here," Cheney said. "She's a young lady, didn't know what else to say, and they just kept on and she finally said we just don't like fags."


The sign on the door also reminds prospective customers not to wear "saggy pants."

Yelp reviewers have not been kind after hearing about Big Earl's policy. This is the tamest of the reviews posted recently:

"Their food tastes like used condoms and the staff has the manners to match. Don't bother coming in unless you like miserable dining experiences."

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