Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe A sixth grader at a Virginia Beach middle school has been suspended for taking a razor away from a student who was cutting himself. Adrionna Harris took the razor away from a boy at Bayside Middle School and received a 10-day-suspension with a recommendation for expulsion in exchange for her efforts. Advertisement After taking the razor, Harris threw the tiny blade away and tried to convince the boy that he shouldn’t be hurting himself. School administrators only found out what happened after Harris told them about the incident the next day. “I took the razor blade, and then I threw it away immediately … I didn’t carry it around the school … I didn’t use it against anyone … I threw it away,” Harris told WAVY. After the station contacted the school about the situation, Virginia Beach City Public Schools agreed to hold Harris’ suspension hearing early. Her family is hopeful that she will be back in school soon. “I was shocked and surprised. I was very shocked that a student would get suspended for saving another child,” said Rachael Harris, Adrionna’s mother. “The school system over-reached absolutely…I felt she did the right thing.” Advertisement Despite the suspension, Harris said she would do it again. “Even if I got in trouble, it didn’t matter because I was helping him … I would do it again even if I got suspended, yes,” she said. [WAVY] Read More Michelle Obama and daughters arrive in China for education-focused trip Police arrest man for impersonating officer in order to get free continental breakfast Deer overpopulation killing native plant biodiversity Venezuelan mayor arrested by secret police for inciting anti-government protests Texas woman gives birth to quintuplets, 4 girls and a boy!