
Porn star Jenna Jameson uses 4chan and her body to track down former assistant

39-year-old star takes a variety of NSFW photos to accompany her request for help.

By Evan Bleier
Jenna Jameson took a series of pictures to prove her identity to a 4chan message board, so they would help her track down her missing former assistant. (Credit: Jenna Jameson via 4chan)
1 of 2 | Jenna Jameson took a series of pictures to prove her identity to a 4chan message board, so they would help her track down her missing former assistant. (Credit: Jenna Jameson via 4chan)

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After a former assistant disappeared and began messing with her social media accounts, popular porn actress Jenna Jameson took to 4chan on Friday night in an effort to track down her ex-employee.

Jameson went on 4chan's /b/ imageboard to ask for help:


“My ex assistant who goes by the name of Allen Cedena turned out to be a con artist I do not know if Cedena is his last name. I finally found him out and fired him... Since he was previed to my personal information such as passwords he reset and probably deleted my twitter @jennajameson and has also removed all pictures of me and him from my instagram. He is completely [expletive] with my digital life and so I ask if you have any ideas of who he is please let me know. I am in the process of consolidating and resetting all my passwords. I will be attaching images of him shortly.”

Before they would honor the 39-year-old’s request for help, the community asked Jameson to take a variety of NSFW photos (including one involving a dark colored shoe) to prove her identity. After the veteran star satisfied all requests, the /b/ imageboard got busy.


It didn’t take long for 4chan users to track down the ex-assistant’s address, credit score and the last four digits of his social security number.

After getting the info, Jameson was so pleased she shared even more photos on /b/.

After retiring from pornography in 2008 to raise her kids, Jameson announced in November that she was returning to porn to feed her children.

Skateboards are involved…

[The Daily Dot]

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